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Easy Ideas to Prepare for Summer!


Updated: Jun 12, 2024

What do June and December have in common? They feel like the 2 busiest months of the year.  Insert the end of the school year, graduations, weddings, parties, all of the above here and it can get pretty crazy!  But the best part of June is knowing it is the beginning of summer, my favorite season - a chance to relax after all the craziness, enjoy the warming temperatures, and plan for some very important family togetherness.  This is the time to get a few things around your home organized, so you are ready to take on the stress free, relaxing days that are ahead.  I suggest starting on the following 3 key areas:

Tackle the refrigerator. Just get it over with.  It’s not the most pleasant, but it will give you such a sense of accomplishment. I usually go shelf by shelf.  Take everything out, throw away what has been in there too long, check sell by dates.  Be honest with yourself about what the kids will not eat no matter how good it is for them.  Take out the shelves and give them a thorough wash.  Don’t forget to do the items on the door.  When it is all cleaned out and wiped down, try to organize it a bit.  All the cheese in one drawer, condiments on the door, a designated spot for the milk and juice.  A clear plastic container will help keep everything separated and looking a little neater.  Put all the juice boxes and yogurts on the lower shelf so the kids can easily help themselves.  Now you have room for all the extra food and beverages you will need while the kids are home during the summer!

The next is the garage.  This is not a quick clean up, but it’s got maximum impact.  First take everything out so you can see it all.  Find the beach chairs, cooler, and any beach toys and give them a wash.  See if there is anything that looks like it needs to be replaced.  Perhaps it's time to buy new beach towels and check the expiration date on the sun lotion.  Old towels can be donated to your local vet office.  It is a good idea to do this now, instead of the morning you are leaving for the beach or a vacation week.  Go through the rest of the items and see what is no longer needed.  If there are a lot of items to purge, perhaps have a yard sale.  Maybe include the kids, with the promise that they get to keep the money they make selling their things. The garage is the land of “I don’t know what to do with it, so I will put it here”.  Now is the time to figure out if you need it and if you do, where to put it.   Here are a few of my favorite tips: 

  • Shelving and hooks are a huge help in the garage

  • Invest in some clear plastic bins.  Separate what you decide to keep and put them in the bins.  Remember to label them.  These can be easily stacked if they are all the same size.  

  • Old paint cans are always an issue. If they need to be dried out, add kitty litter, XSORB's Rock Solid (sold on Amazon) or ask at your local hardware store. Check with your town's rules of disposing them. In most cases, if dried out, and with cover off, they can go out with the garbage, just a few at a time. Or, drop off at local recycling center.

  • Last, but not least, sweep out the garage.  This is the last step and it is so satisfying when you see the floor without clutter, dirt, and leaves!

Now that you’ve tackled the indoors, take a look outside. The time has come to enjoy your yard space, so let's give it a mini facelift. Whether you have large area or a small balcony, this is where you want to be when you finish a long day of work, driving the kids to camp or hosting a playdate, or doing anything you don’t want to do this summer.  Hose off the patio area, figure out what pots didn’t make it through the winter, and clean off any furniture. Perhaps refresh with a new umbrella and pillows.  Make sure you invest in comfy chairs, so you can sit and enjoy the latest summer read.  Get new pots and plant a variety of colorful flowers.  Add some fun party lights and candle lanterns. Lean into making this your own private oasis where you can have a sense of calm and peace, and by all means, enjoy the sunshine!

 For help getting ready for this summer, contact Living Simple, LLC at and we will make sure you are all set to enjoy the fun and sun coming your way this season!!

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